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Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry

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Membership is restricted to individual, age eighteen or over, of good moral character and reputation, provided he or she proves his or her descent from an immigrant American ancestor who was a settler in one of the thirteen original Colonies uniting to form the United States of America or in the United States who had a proved right to bear arms in the country of his or her origin.
Membership is by invitation only.
Insignia Chairman: 

Joel E. Strauch, CFA®, Treasurer General

Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry

435 White Gables Lane, Suite 201

Charlottesville, VA 22903


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Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry Insignia
Price: Please Contact Your Society Directly to Place an Order
Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry Insignia
Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry Miniature Insignia
Price: Please Contact Your Society Directly to Place an Order
Order of Americans of Armorial Ancestry Miniature Insignia