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Order of the Merovingian Dynasty

Order of the Merovingian Dynasty
Contact Registrar:
For more information go to the Merovingian Dynasty Website.

Eligible for membership in the “Order of the Merovingian Dynasty” are men and women who have shown a love of history, who have been significant participants and leaders in genealogy, and who are lineal descendants of the first King of the Merovingian Dynasty- Merovech (Merovee), who was king of the Salic Franks 448-457.

Displaying products 1 - 4 of 4 results
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Miniature
Price: $125.00
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Miniature
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Miniature
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Full Size
Price: $1,475.00
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Full Size
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty full size medal.
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Charm
Price: Starting at $47.00
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty Charm