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Sons and Daughters of the Colonial and Antebellum Bench and Bar

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Men and women, age 18 or older, who can prove lineal descent from an ancestor who served in lands now comprising the continental United States of America as a judge or lawyer prior to 12 April 1861 in any court-trial, intermediate of Supreme, under laws applicable to the original thirteen English colonies or under laws applicable to other colonies than the original thirteen English colonies or under laws of the National Government enacted pursuant of either the Articles of Confederation or the Constitution of 1789 or under laws applicable to States and Territories of the United States or under the laws of the Republic of Texas or the Republic of Mexico are eligible for membership in this Society.  Ancestral eligibility includes, but is not restricted to, the required service as a judge or lawyer under the laws of the various Colonial Powers (such as England, France, Spain, the Netherlands, or Sweden) or under the laws of the Republic of Texas or the Republic of Mexico.  The fact that in the colonial era there were no clearly separated judicial, legislative, and executive branches does not prevent members of those colonial bodies having multiple functions including a judicial function form qualifying as "judges" and thus eligible propositi for this Society. Both Justices of the Peace and Lords of the Manor with the privilege of Court Leete and Court Baron qualify as "judges".

Each applicant for membership must be sponsored by two members, or must belong to one or more of the hereditary societies as, but not limited to, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution or the National Society Sons of the American Revolution.

Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
Sons and Daughters of the Colonial and Antebellum Bench and Bar Full-size Insginia
Price: Please Contact Your Society Directly to Place an Order
Sons and Daughters of the Colonial and Antebellum Bench and Bar Full-size Insginia
Full size insignia.
Sons and Daughters of the Colonial and Antebellum Bench and Bar Miniature Insignia
Price: Please Contact Your Society Directly to Place an Order
Sons and Daughters of the Colonial and Antebellum Bench and Bar Miniature Insignia
Miniature insignia.